Homemade Immune Boosting Elderberry Gummies That Actually Taste Good And Is Kid Approved

  Hey y'all! Hope you are doing well. Today I am sharing how I make our immune boosting elderberry gummies. When I first started making this I used the standard elderberry syrup recipe that is online with the strong flavors of cinnamon and ginger and clove. No one in my family would take it. So I had to come up with a different recipe to get them to take it. Here is my elderberry syrup recipe. Or if you want a sugar free version here is my elderberry honey recipe.

I made a video showing how I make them. You can find that here.

To start take 1/4 cup hot but not boiling water and mix in an 1/8 cup unflavored gelatin.

In another measuring cup add 1/2 cup elderberry syrup or elderberry honey at room temperature to warm.

Now pour your gelatin mixture into the elderberry mixture and mix well.

Then fill up your molds or you can use a pan. Put them in the fridge for a few hours or the freezer for 30 minutes.

Then pop them out of the molds or if you are using a pan cut them into small pieces.

Store them in a container in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. Take 1-2 gummies per day or some people suggest 1-2 every few hours if you are feeling sick. Use it however you feel comfortable. 

For a printable version of this recipe click here .

Elderberry Gummies

• 1/2 cup elderberry syrup, or elderberry honey room temp-warm
• 1/4 cup water, hot but not boiling
• 1/8 cup unflavored gelatin
• silicone molds

Take your hot water and add the gelatin and mix together until it is dissolved.
In another measuring cup add your elderberry syrup. Now pour your gelatin
mixture into the elderberry mixture and mix well. Then fill up your molds or
you can use a pan. Put them in the fridge for a few hours or the freezer for 30
minutes. Then pop them out of the molds or if you are using a pan cut them
into small pieces. Store them in a container in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. Take 1-
2 gummies per day or some people suggest 1-2 every few hours if you are
feeling sick. Use it however you feel comfortable.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do.
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