Easy Pasta Sauce

 Hey y'all! Hope you are doing well. Today I am sharing how I make a super easy pasta sauce. It is August and the garden is overflowing with produce. In previous years I have tried many tomato recipes and preservation methods but we didn't like any of them. This year I have found some really good ones. This is a basic traditional pasta sauce recipe. That is oh so good. I also made a Youtube video showing how I make it.Click here .

To start out with you need enough tomatoes to make 16 cups or just use whatever you have and convert the recipe accordingly. Once you have your tomatoes wash and dry them. I line my pans with foil. If you are using steel pans be sure and use foil. The tomatoes will react and create a tinny and bitter flavor. I am using 2 smaller pans that fit in my small convection oven. Next I get out my cutting board, knife and 4 cup measure. Now we chop the tomatoes. If you are using cherry tomatoes which are my favorite, just cut them in half. If you are using bigger tomatoes core them and cut them in to quarters. Add your tomatoes to the pan , drizzle with a few tablespoons of olive oil and mix together. 

I put my pans in the oven at 250 degrees F. for 20 minutes. I rotate from top to bottom every 20 minutes for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

After they have cooked I put them in my high powered blender and add the spices.

3 Tablespoons of lemon juice to brighten up the flavors

2 cloves of minced garlic or 1 Tablespoon

2 teaspoons of salt

1 Tablespoon of dried oregano

2 teaspoons of dried parsley

2 teaspoons of dried basil

1 teaspoon of onion powder

1 and 1/2 teaspoons of garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon of crushed red peppers

1 Tablespoon - 1/2 cup of sugar (See Note)

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

Once all the spices are added. I blend them up really good to blend up the skins.

Note: If you want reduced sugar use 1 Tablespoon. If you want it more like Prego use 1/2 cup of sugar

After it is blended well pour into a dish and put in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day I put it in freezer bags or freezer safe containers.

This recipe makes 2 quarts 

Label and Freeze until you need them. Or put in a jar and use in the next day or so.

For a printable version of this recipe click here.

When you are ready to use them just thaw and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this sauce as much as we do.

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