Homemade Elderberry Tincture | It's So Easy Y'all!

 Hey y'all! Hope you are doing well. Today I am sharing how I make an elderberry tincture using only 2 ingredients.  It is so easy y'all.

 I made a video showing how I make it. You can find that here.

To start fill your jar no more than 1/3 of the way full with dried elderberries. 
Then cover the elderberries with at least 80 proof alcohol. Do not use rubbing alcohol or denatured alcohol or hand sanitizer. It will kill you if you ingest it! Make sure the alcohol is at least 1" above the berries. I always check the following day to see if more alcohol is needed. The dehydrated berries will soak up the liquid and expand and sometimes you need more. 

Add a tight fitting lid and shake every day to every few days and let it sit for at least a month. 

After one month you can strain it. If I don't need mine right away I let mine sit until I do need it. You can use a pipette to get the tincture out if you don't want to strain it. 

This will last forever. It is recommended to use 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon once a day. Some people suggest to use it every few hours if you are feeling sick. Use it however you feel comfortable. 

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